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55.38 -在带薪或无薪休假期间继续享受福利,并减少任用


  • 位置: 人力资源总监
  • 电子邮件: hr@hzexprot.com

最后更新: 2018年12月1日

A. 一般. 无薪休假(LWOP)和减少任用(i.e. 从100%的时间到75%的时间)会影响员工的福利金额、资格和成本. The employee and/or the department are responsible to take certain actions in advance of the change in status. 团体健康福利通常包括处方药医疗保险, 对视力和牙齿有一定程度的好处, 生活, 依赖的生活, 意外死亡和肢解, 和残疾(LWOP不提供).

Note: Scope and coverage of each benefit is governed by contracts and plan documents in effect at the time.

A-1. 有或没有福利地位的低薪工作人员减少聘用或安置的原因. 定期预约的员工的预约比例可能会降低, 或被安置在低龄工作岗位,不论是否有福利, 出于各种原因,包括但不限于:

i. 当员工要求在特定的时间,并由院长或主任批准.

ii. 因病年假不能工作时, 不能请病假或共享假, 或者在获得批准的家庭和医疗假期间.

A-2. 无薪休假或减聘对其他福利的影响. Because employees who are on LWOP or whose appointment is reduced to less than 100% time may have other benefits affected, any employee contemplating a major change in employment status should consult with Benefit 服务 in Human 资源 关于福利变化的影响.

i. 健康保险.

a. LWOP. 获得团体医疗/牙科福利的资格通常最多持续一年. Thereafter an employee may continue to be enrolled in the health plan at his or her own expense for the duration of approved LWOP. 继续提供雇员及受抚养人福利(如适用), 雇员必须透过福利服务作出安排,在休假期间缴纳供款.

b. 减少预约百分比. 减少任用可能会影响雇员所需的供款额. 具体供款金额,请按预约百分比与福利服务部联络. 雇员供款金额也可以在福利网站上找到.

(1)对于87分的员工.5%委任或以上, UI will continue to pay the same employer contribution for health benefits and the employee will continue to pay the full employee contribution amounts.

(2)预约未满87人的.5%和至少50%, the UI will pay a prorated employer contribution amount for health benefits based on the appointment and the employee will pay the remaining contribution amount according to established rate contributions as outlined on the benefits website.

ii. 团体定期人寿保险.

a. LWOP. LWOP的前六个双周, group term 生活 insurance benefits are continued in the full amount of annual salary immediately prior to the LWOP; contributions are paid by UI. 在六周的LWOP之后, the employees may continue group term 生活 insurance benefits for up to one year from the date LWOP began, 通过支付供款. An employee may continue enrollment in optional 生活 insurance plans for the duration of LWOP (up to one year) but must make arrangements through HR to pay insurance contributions quarterly, 提前到大学报名.

b. 减少预约百分比. 团体定期人寿保险继续提供福利, 保险金额与减少的年薪相一致.

3. 补充定期人寿保险.

a. LWOP. All supplemental (voluntary buy-up) 生活 insurance contributions continue while on leave unless the employee fails to make contributions as billed from Benefit 服务, 或被任命者, 或选择在适当的登记窗口期间放弃保险. 当恢复现役时, 覆盖范围可以根据当时有效的管理计划文件进行选择.

b. 减少预约百分比. Contributions for supplemental 生活 insurance benefits continue to be deducted through payroll deduction and 保险金额与减少的年薪相一致.

iv. 短期和长期伤残保险.

a. LWOP. 当员工在有或没有福利的情况下继续从事低薪工作时,残疾福利将停止, 但当员工回到工作状态时,他们就会恢复工作.

b. 减少预约百分比. 伤残保险津贴继续发放, 保险金额与减少的年薪相一致. 特别是, faculty on sabbatical for a full year at half pay have their disability coverage reduced proportionately; i.e.,休假工资的60%.

v. 在无薪休假期间终止的额外福利 包括免税年金、退休金和社会保障缴款. 年假和/或病假的累计也被暂停. 呼叫受益业务, 208-885-3697, 参阅《欧洲杯买球app》(COBRA)的详情。, 税前支出账户, 医疗福利和雇员援助计划的延续.

B. 过程. 授权减少任命, 或LWOP必须得到院长或主任的批准,除非这样的减少或休假是由 FSH 3710. An employee may also be placed on LWOP automatically if he or she is absent from work for an extended period of time and does not have available accrued or other approved leave appropriate to the reason for the absence.

C. 过程.

C-1. Employees desiring reduction in appointment or leave for an extended period should consult initially with their supervisor or departmental designee for such matters. 当休假被批准时, the employee should consult with Benefit 服务 to make arrangements regarding continuation of benefits and payment. 适用于延续特定福利的程序如下:

i. 健康保险. 健康 insurance coverage for the employee continues for 12 months of LWOP with benefits at the rate of coverage in effect when the period of leave begins. 如果LWOP没有福利,雇员可以过渡到COBRA.

如果健康保险被终止, reinstatement in the program at a later date may be accomplished either (a) during a regular open enrollment, or (b) at any other time according to plan documents at the time the employee returns to active paid status. 当员工重新注册时, the employee may be subject to certain restrictions in effect at the time of re-enrollment such as longer waiting periods. 请参阅福利服务部提供的现行计划文件.

ii. 人寿保险. 基本团体人寿保险, 家属人寿保险, and 意外死亡和肢解 insurance coverage are continued according to the plan documents in effect at the time of the leave. 具体详情请咨询福利服务部.

3. 残疾入息保障. 无薪休假期间不能继续领取伤残保险.

iv. 可选的扣除. 大多数可选扣除, 包括退休参与, 当员工不再收到工资支票时停止. 如果符合条件, 雇员可继续参加上述(a -2 (3)) a .补充人寿保险.) and Flexible Spending Accounts by making the payment arrangements with Benefit 服务 and continuing to stay current with monthly contributions while on LWOP.

C-2. 员工程序 归来 无薪休假情况. 无薪休假归来时, the employee is responsible for contacting Benefit 服务 to verify that all benefit and tax information is current. Any adjustments and/or applications for benefits discontinued during the period of LWOP may be addressed at this time.

C-3. 学年员工暑期无薪休假程序. 永久聘用的学年雇员 没有收到薪水支票 在夏季的几个月从他们的常规任命, 是否会被列入20种工资的福利日历. 整个12个月的津贴将从收到的20个月的津贴中扣除.

C-4. 部门的程序. Departments will submit the appropriate EPAF to enter reduction in appointment or LWOP for the duration of the leave or the reduction in appointment, 或者直到本财政年度结束. 如果LWOP或减少任命延长到下一个财政年度, the timekeeper will need to re-enter the employee’s status into Banner HRIS to continue into the following fiscal year.

异常. 因缺勤而无剩余年假导致的LWOP, 病假, 共享假期或补偿时间, 如果没有其他的休假被批准, the Banner Payroll process will automatically dock pay for the employee for the bi-weekly pay cycle affected. Departments need to work with Benefit 服务 to ensure proper benefit contributions are processed for any employee on LWOP.

D. 信息. Because other benefits may also be affected for employees who are placed on LWOP or whose appointment is reduced to less than 100% time, any employee contemplating a major change in employment status should first consult with Benefit 服务, 如果可能的话, 关于福利变化的影响.

D-1. 呼叫受益业务 for details regarding the Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA) or, 核心福利和自愿福利的延续.

D-2. 所有福利将在员工福利介绍中解释. 有关病假/年假的信息参见 FSH 3710].



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