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Visitor Parking

Welcome to the University of Idaho!

开车来学校的游客有很多停车选择. 所有在校园里停车都需要支付某种形式的费用,如下所述. 如果您对以下信息或本网站其他地方有任何疑问, call 208-885-6424, email or visit us in person at Parking and Transportation Services, 位于铁路街1006号校园内的联运中心内.

如果你是为了一个特殊的活动来参观校园,可能会有特别的停车安排. Information about parking for one of U of I’s Signature Events; Vandal Football Games, Commencement and the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, is available on our Signature Events page. For all other events, check with the event organizer, the Parking Updates and Closures on our homepage, or contact us by calling 208-885-6424, or email us at 如果您的特定活动没有特别的停车安排,请参阅以下选项.

许可证和付款要求因一年中不同的时间和日期而异. Every parking area, 校园里的停车计时器和收费站都会有一个标志或信息,表明什么时候需要停车.

金色,橙色,红色,蓝色,银色和紫色的停车场 require the appropriate permit(s) from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session, 虽然这些地段内的部分停车位可能有特别许可证/付款要求/时间,并将相应地签署.

No parking is allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. without the appropriate overnight parking permit. 在学习休息和/或大学假期停车,请参阅我们的 Enforcement Schedule page.

Parking meters and pay stations require payment year-round except 学生娱乐停车场107(东侧),在夏季和学习休息期间不需要付费. 收费站和停车计时器将显示需要付款的白天/晚上的时间. 停车时间和付款费率各不相同,请仔细阅读并致电208-885-6424 before you park.

如果你在上课期间访问我们的校园,并且需要许可证/付款, please review the options below.

Short-term parking: parking meters and pay stations

For brief visits of a few minutes to a couple hours, 我们建议使用覆盖校园的数百个停车计费站或收费站中的一个. 这些停车位在我们的 campus parking map. 如果该区域是通过付费站管理的,您将看到pay to Park指示器. 需要缴费的日期和时间将在计价器或收费站注明, along with maximum stay information if applicable. 向公园收费是通过车牌而不是罚单或收据强制执行的, 所以,如果你没有记住你的盘子,一定要在去收费站之前拍一张你的盘子的照片! When you enter the license plate number into the pay station, be very careful to enter it correctly. 即使你支付了足够的时间,一个错误也可能导致被引用. Watch the quick "how to" video

停车计时器和收费站接受信用卡/借记卡和美国硬币, nickels and dimes. Pay stations also accept United States dollar coins. 如果停车计时器出现故障,不要在那个地方停车. Malfunctioning parking meters are considered No Parking Zones. 如果您在使用付费站时遇到任何困难,请致电208-885-6424与我们联系.


Parking in Pay-by-Plate Lots 107 (SRC), Lot 29 (VandalStore), Lot 91 (Upper Rayburn), 而第35号停车场(学生健康区)则因为AMP (AIMS移动停车场)而变得更加容易。. AMP允许你用智能手机在按牌付费停车场支付停车费.

  • No need to visit the pay station.
  • AMP remembers your license plate.
  • AMP securely stores your payment info for quick transactions.
  • Add time remotely when running late.
  • The only device you touch is your own smartphone.

Simply download the free AMP app from Google Play or the Apple App Store, or go to the AMP website. Please note: use AMP in Pay-by-Plate lots with pay stations. It won't work with traditional parking meters. For more on how to use AMP, check out our guide.

Longer visits: Visitor Parking permit

待上几个小时、一整天、一夜或一两天? A Visitor Parking permit is your best choice. 购买访客泊车证,可在区内任何一个固定泊车位泊车, Orange, Red, Blue, Purple, 银色或绿色停车场或校园内任何标记的访客车位. These are all indicated on our campus parking map. Visitor permits are $4/day and can be purchased online, 或到位于铁路街1006号多式联运中心内的停车和运输服务办公室. 将您的访客停车许可证打印的一面朝上放在驾驶侧仪表板上. 如果显示多个许可证,请确保它们都是可见的.

访问许可证在签发日期的午夜之前,所有彩色批号都有效. 午夜后停车的访客必须持有翌日或翌日的有效访客许可证. Questions? Call 208-885-6424 or email

For frequent campus visitors, 十天游客许可证提供一次购买十天停车的便利, and the dates need not be consecutive. 只需在许可证的方框里用笔写上使用日期. 您的购买包括停车,当你需要它(最多十天),只有当你需要它! 这些可以在铁路街1006号多式联运中心内的PTS办公室购买.

持州残疾人停车牌或牌照参观欧洲杯买球校园? 您可以随意在任何停车计时器或付费停车位停车,没有任何费用和时间限制. Simply be sure your placard is visible. Please see campus parking map.

如果你是来大学的游客,并且喜欢在校园内的ADA停车位停车,只需购买一个 online Visitor Parking Permit and display it on your driver’s side dashboard. Exception: if it’s during an academic break, on the weekend, a university holiday or after 5 p.m. on a weekday when class is in session, 毋须购买网上访客停车许可证. 您的州牌或牌照允许在这些时间内在校园ADA停车位停车.

你是经常还是长时间访问uof I校园? A U of I Disability Parking permit allows the most flexibility and access to parking. Call us at 208-885-6424 or email us at to get started.


Contact Us

Physical Address:

1006 Railroad Street
Rm 135
Moscow, ID

Office hours:
M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office hours during academic breaks:
M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 208-885-6424

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr.
MS 4106
Moscow, ID